Contract Hire (or Contractor-as-a-service) is now available with North West IT.

North West IT proudly offers our contract hire services to businesses and organisations in the Greater Manchester area.

North West IT proudly offers our contract hire services to businesses and organisations in the Greater Manchester area.

If your IT provider is experiencing issues, whether that’s to do with the supply chain, staff illness or anything else, we can solve your IT problems with experience and expertise, placing one of our highly skilled team members actually ‘on the ground’ and ready to keep you up and running.

You might be between contracts, or still looking for a new provider.

That’s OK with us, and we can cover any time period, from a single day to several months. No fixed-term contracts, just high-quality IT services from CJLS Tech, as and when you need them.

We know what you’re thinking, why shouldn’t you just get one of the team to take care of things for the interim? In our experience, using an untrained and unskilled member of your team to manage your IT can do more harm than good. It’s not just about fixing issues with the hardware, software and technology – without a trained and experienced IT professional on board, you could miss potential threats to your cyber security. Don’t give viruses and hackers an easy way in by letting your guard down.

The benefits of getting North West IT in are massive.

Firstly, you can rest assured that you’re hiring a highly skilled IT professional, who can come in and hit the ground running. Secondly, because we’re coming in with no fixed term, you can continue your recruitment processes.

All the while, your IT services remain in tip-top condition.

You benefit from the same high-quality Managed IT Service provision as our long-term clients.

Who knows? After seeing how North West IT keep things simple, you might have even found your long-term IT solutions…

Contact us for more information.



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