The 78 Percent!

78% is quite a large percentage of something, isn’t it? What if we say that 78% is consumer trust?!

78% is quite a large percentage of something, isn’t it?

What if we say that 78% is consumer trust?!

But for what?

78% of consumers WON’T trust a business that doesn’t have a brand identity…

What does this mean?

Does your business use a gmail.com or hotmail.co.uk email address and use only Facebook as your website? If yes, the likelihood is that you are only talking to roughly 12% of a total audience! Scary realisation!

CJLS Tech is able to help you get 100% brand trust by using a custom email and web presence with full managed IT support and the use of our in-house design department. What’s also an added bonus is that we will work with any size business including the one-man bands! What what are you waiting for? Let’s get 100% trust behind your brand today!



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